My researches regarding contemporary arts are based on histories, archives and social activism of the Southeast Asian (and queer) migrants in the divided Germany (West and East Germany)
Young Birds From Strange Mountains / นกแปลกจากหุบเขาประหลาด / Con chim đến từ núi lạ / Burung-burung Muda dari Pegunungan Antah Berantah
Group exhibition with young queer artists and archives from Southeast Asia / Co-curated with Hải Nam Nguyễn, Ferdiansyah Thajib, Thảo Hồ, Ragil Huda / 28th November 2024 to August 2025 / Schwules Museum
Featuring Kelvin Atmadibrata, Hoo Fan Chon, Suriya Sam-Khuth, Việt Lê, Indra Liusuari, Oat Montien, Nu, Natthapong Samakkaew, Shasti, Eda Phanlert Sriprom, Tamarra, Thảo Miên Trần, Queer Indonesia Archive, Hanoi Queer Museum, and more
(Podcast EP - Cashmere Radio)
(Monopol Article “Der junge Vogel weiß nicht, warum er singt”) (Tagespiegel Article “Queere Kunst aus Südostasien”)

In Nobody’s Service /
ที่นี่ไม่เปิดให้บริการ /
Sa Serbisyo sa Walang Sinuman
Exhibition and program about un.thai.tled collective’s artistic research on Thai and Filipina “mail-order-brides”, sexworkers and wives : migration histories to West Germany / 7th March to 18th May 2024 / Galerie Wedding
(Podcast EP - Oroko Radio) (Podcast EP - Cashmere Radio) (Podcast EP - Thaispora)
(TAZ Article - “Nicht mehr zu Diensten”)

Where is my karaoke? How did we meet?
Archive corner at “Echoes of the Brother Countries” / March - May 2024 / Haus der Kulturen der Welt
(Publication can be ordered at Archive Books)

Where is my karaoke? Let’s sing along and sing away
Mixed media and archival material installation on Vietnamese, Laos and Cambodian music and histories in former East Germany (GDR) / Co-curated with Phuong Phan / Part of “Re-Connect: Art and Struggle in Brotherland” curated by Sithara Weerathunga and Marcus Hurttig / 17 May - September 2023 / Museum of visual arts (MDBK) Leipzig
(Publication can be ordered at Hirmer Press)

Where is my karaoke? Still, we sing
Exhibition and program about Vietnamese, Laos and Cambodian practices and exchanges in former East Germany (GDR) / Co-curated with Phuong Phan / 25 May - 2 October 2022 / D21 Project Space Leipzig
Featuring Ho Rui An, Nguyen Xuan Huy, Tran Minh Duc, Phung-Tien Phan, Postmigrant Radio Collective, Song Hak Ky
(D21 website)

Beyond the kitchen: Stories from the Thai Park
Exhibition about un.thai.tled collective’s artistic research with communities on Preußenpark (”Thai Park”) / Co-curated with Katrin Peters-Klaphake / March-July 2020 / District museum Charlotteburg-Wilmersdorf in Villa Oppenheim
(museum website)
at Bezirksmuseum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, 2020 / funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Bezirksamt
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Goethe-Institut Thailand
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Goethe-Institut Thailand